In 3 days, it will make 5 years I have been married to my lovely wife Tiffany Braxton Belvin.
We have been together 12 years, but it 2007 we decided to stop playing married and made it real. There are no words which can explain what the Lord has done for my life by granted me the honor of His blessings. He wrote for all to read
Proverbs 18:22
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.
Tiff and I have enjoyed each minute of being married. Do we have much, not in the way many people think. However we are rich. I'll explain, when you love God and want Him to forgive your past, you have to make changes in your life. You have to humble yourself to the idea of a greater being and trust all you do is for a greater good. The Lord understood who I was going to be before I learned to listen him. He placed Tiffany in my life so the building blocks would be in place. All we needed were instructions on how to arrange things. The instructions were given to Tiffany. To save my life, the Lord knew I needed a mate who understood me. She was someone I prayed for. I had experienced love in the past and messed up. I needed a partner who understood all the craziness which made me who I was. In walks Tiffany, her moxy, intelligence, style and of course her beauty were needed for me keep focused. But, it wasn't enough, the missing piece was God, Himself.
Once Tiffany gained an understanding of her faith she was able to demand more from me. She drew a line in the sand with my cheating and demanded I make a life altering decision. Tiff didn't say any thing different then what many women say after catching their man cheating and wanting him to change, the difference was, Tiff said, "Its either God and Me or the whores in the streets" When you staring the one you love in the face and she places God and herself on one side of the cliff and says make a move. Is it really that hard a decision to make.
This books was created to show the world how I overcame my negative past. Tiff was the first to read it, approve it and she even wrote the forward. |
When you make tough decisions, things don't automatically change because you want it to. Every race begins with a commitment to run it and then one step after another. I needed the push at that time to find the man God created me to be. 5 years later I still love Tiff just as much as I did then. Our love has held up no matter what personal attacks, financial attacks and even nature attacks (we withstood hurricanes Dean and Irene together) have come our way. We have and will faced them together.
Our anniversary is more than just another reminder of another year pasted. Its a reminder of a commitment made to God and each other.
Please share our wedding with us.. We love these videos. We want folks to see we're living what we're asking other couples to consider.
Tiffany I love You doll!..
God Blesss.
Tiffany I love You doll!..
God Blesss.
August 12, 2007, in the back yard of my Grandmother and Mother's home.
Video #1
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