As a little girl one of my favorite television shows was "I Love Lucy". I watched every weekend, faithfully. Now as an adult, if I happen upon the show-channel surfing-it grabs my attention. One of the things I found interesting and a bit confusing, when I was younger, is the idea of married couples sleeping in separate beds. After all my parents shared a bed and that's what I thought all married couples did. To my surprise, I've learned for various reasons plenty of married couples sleep in separate beds and in some cases separate rooms. According to new research from Toronto's Ryerson University, 30 to 40 percent of couples sleep apart at night.
Well, at seven months pregnant you can imagine that it's getting a little bit more difficult to get around as well as sleeping comfortably is close to non-existent. A couple of months ago I purchased a full body maternity pillow by Boppy and it helped a lot to relieve lower back aching. About a month ago I began developing a soreness in my pelvic area which I've read is usually diagnosed as Symphasis Pelvic Disorder (SPD) which can be debilitating in some cases. When I mentioned it to my Obstetrician she confirmed that it tends to get worse during the progression of the pregnancy and there was nothing much I could do about it.
This was a great disappointment because I had committed to walking each day in order to get as much exercise as I could for my and the baby's health. As I had been warned, the aching in my pelvis now developed into a pain that changed my style and pace of walking dramatically. The pain made me not want to walk at all. If KL could carry me from room to room and from destination to destination I would surely welcome it.
Recently, when KL and I were at home, I fell asleep in my favorite spot-the chaise next to the window- while he watched television. With a big cushiony pillow and three smaller accent pillows I can prop myself up and place the pillows in just the right places. I napped for a few hours. When I woke, of course like all women in my condition, I had to make a visit to the royal throne. Without thinking, I stood up walked to the bathroom and came back. I stopped and looked at KL and told him, "I don't have any pain." I didn't have any pain for the rest of the day.
The days to follow I slept in our bed and woke up every morning very sore, stiff, and barely able to move. Then on occasion I'd take a nap on the chaise and wake up without pain and easier to move. A light bulb went on. Our bed, chairs, and even love seat are too firm and sitting in them for any extended amount of time caused the SPD in my pelvis to flare up. Last night, While KL worked on his laptop I fell asleep in the chaise watching television. Before heading to our bedroom KL asked if I wanted to stay there or come to bed. I told him I would stay on the chaise. Again I woke up this morning without pain.
KL woke up assuming I would come to bed in the middle of the night and was surprised to find me still sleeping on the chaise. He joked he felt abandoned by me and our dog, Storm(who normally sleeps on the foot of our bed every night). Storm had taken a spot next to me and was sleeping comfortably. KL asked, "So, you guys are going to sleep in the living room now." I responded, "Only for the next three months."