Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tonight we discuss "The Age of Sexual Consent" on "Reality and Relationships"

Each week Tiff and I try to bring our own unique spin on relationship on our weekly radio show 

"Reality and Relationships" 

This week we decided to speak on a 

"The Age of Sexual Consent"

Check the show out and let us know what you think. Remember you can leave a message on our Relationship hotline at (347) 709-7696

Don't forget to check our the show on Thursday's 8-10 pm and tell friends and family to join us. You can listen from the site or on the day of the show you can listen in from your phone from 646 200 3838.
If you're interested in being interviewed on our show. Send us a email request to or leave us a voice mail message at (347) 709-7696

Did you miss the May 16th show. "Reality and Relationships" Hmmmmm Time to talk about SEX,,,

Each week Tiff and I try to bring our own unique spin on relationship on our weekly radio show "Reality and Relationships" 

This we decided to speak on a fan favorite,, Sex in relationships!!! Check the show out and let us know what you think. Remember you can leave a message on our Relationship hotline at (347) 709-7696

Don't forget to check our the show on Thursday's 8-10 pm and tell friends and family to join us. You can listen from the site or on the day of the show you can listen in from your phone from 646 200 3838.
If you're interested in being interviewed on our show. Send us a email request to or leave us a voice mail message at (347) 709-7696

Join our FB pages Making Marriage Cool Again, KL Belvin, Bravin Publishing and Author Tiffany Braxton Belvin 

On Twitter: @AuthorKLBelvin and @BravinBooks

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't Play Hide The Booty,, From the upcoming "Making Marriage Cool Again" handbook

Making Marriage Cool Again: "Don't Play Hide The Booty"..
Remember in a relationships rough times and arguments are going to happen. Never use withholding lovemaking as a tool to tilt things in your favor. Lovemaking is an expressing of the love and compassion you have for each other. Remember lovemaking heals after a disagreements. Keep this tip tucked away and save it for that day things are turned upside down and you find yourself about to go down this path. 

Stay tuned for other tips from our upcoming handbook "Making Marriage Cool Again" from Bravin Publishing

"Reality and Relationships" Radio Show, May 9th "Dealing with Bullying"

If you missed our most recent radio shows of "Reality and Relationships" On GeeQue Palace Radio. There are shows on 6 nights a week. Check our show out on Thursday's 8-10 pm and all the other shows at If you're interested in being interviewed on our show. Send us a email request to or leave us a voice mail message at (347) 709-7696

Last week Tiff and I tackled the subject of "Bullying" Something which seems to effect those in school now and those who live with the memories of being bullied. Enjoy. Please leave a comment or call our hotline to let us know what you think. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

If you missed our past shows. 4/25 and 5/2... Enjoy.

If you missed our most recent radio shows of "Reality and Relationships" On GeeQue Palace Radio. There are shows on 6 nights a week. Check our show out on Thursday's 8-10 pm and all the other shows at If you're interested in being interviewed on our show. Send us a email request to or leave us a voice mail message at (347) 709-7696

April 25, we talked about 

"Child Support, The things you should know"

May 2, we covered "How to deal with Negative Work Relationships"